23rd January 2025

There are several reasons why many women have decided not to get into a slavery marriage. You may see this as a picture, but it happens mostly in rural communities. It is real and worse than this happens to married wives.

Apart from all these challenges that they encounter in their marriages, their husbands fail to support them in anything including food preparation, water, and fetching of firewood among others are all the assigned duties of the poor wives.

The funniest and saddest side is that the man only calls for his walking stick when they reach a slippery area. He is the husband, so he sees it wrong to handle his personal bag. The only thing with him is his touch light just for him to have a good view.

These ladies are more faithful to their husbands, they don’t cheat on them like the posh ladies we marry in the towns and cities who only give a complete hell life to their male counterparts who are entitled to all bills.

Based on such harassment, many people prefer not to marry at all. Indeed, it is better for worse when married.



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