Agriculture mechanization has been identified as the only means to enable Ghana to go beyond aid. The Bono East regional director of agriculture, Cecelia Keja Agyeman said this when addressing the Bono East regional business partnerships at their mini trade fair at the Nkoranza Agric office.
The regional director, Cecelia Keja Agyeman said, the traditional method of using cutlasses and hoes for farming is just hand to mouth business. She said farming is a serious business like any big-time organization and needs a technology approach. She added that, in the advanced counties, farming is their first priority.
She said Ghana is blessed with fertile lands to run all year-round farming. She said the lack of mechanization has been challenged. Cecelia Keja was happy that one of their Agric sub-stations in Nkoranza has simple faring mechanized machines for land cultivation, harvesting, and planting.
Cecelia Keja pleaded with the farmers to adopt technology in their farming practices. She said one acre of hybrid maize with good care can harvest about 30 bags of maize, while the traditional approach will not harvest more than 5 bags. She pleaded with the farmers to seek advice from the Agric extension officers timely before cultivation and after harvesting.
At the farmers’ business mini-trade fair, they exhibited their farm produce and showcased its profitability. It was clear that the chain of food distribution is at its best in the Bono East region.
The director, Cecelia Keja Agyeman pleaded with investors to show more interest in mechanization to get the best result.