Perhaps, the only wine on the planet with several names due to its uniqueness. People have several names given to this particular wine in the Akan language. The following are just a few of them. ab3 nuso, nsa fufuo, ab3 nsa and 3na 3huroyi.
The same ab3 nsa is used to prepare Akpteshie, popularly known as barima nsa, the high spirit, no fears, kankamia, kekabi kyere wasse, and more.
In the early days, nsa fufou was used at palaces and marriage ceremonies. It is however sad the traditional chiefs this time around prefer using the schnapps to the local drinks.
All the same, nsa fufua and akpteshie can never be underrated. Most traditional drugs that are more effective, go with nsa fufuo and akpteshe. Akpteshie is also used to treat several skin diseases.
The two champion wines match with fresh meat and pepper light soup. When it comes to palm trees, the benefits are countless. We have domo mushroom, palm nut soup, palm oil, broom, and many more.