23rd January 2025

Okra is rich in nutrients and low in calories. Okra’s vitamin C promotes a strong immune system. Additionally high in vitamin K, which aids with blood clotting, is okra. Natural substances known as antioxidants support your body’s defense against free radicals, which are chemicals that can harm cells.

It’s time to give OK-ra the boot! Okra is a good source of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Its anti-disease ingredients support improved digestion, blood sugar control, and heart health. Because of its high calcium and vitamin K content, okra also improves bone health.

According to registered dietitian Sereen Zawahri Krasuna, RD, LD, “okra may not be at the top of most people’s grocery lists.” However, using it in the kitchen is simpler than you may imagine. The health advantages of okra make it well worth the work.

Green and red kinds of okra are edible seed pods. Though officially classified as a fruit, okra is commonly thought of as a vegetable. Okra belongs to the same botanical family as cotton and cocoa, the Mallow family.




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