The departure of Clement Nana Konne is though far but still fresh in our minds. Despite his position being held, Nana humbled himself like a sheep and was open to all manners of persons that approached him. He served as a counselor to many and had a die-hard spirit for his family and the community he lived
Nana Konneh was one of the finest English Literature scholars in their good old days. He was able to recite most of William Shakespeare’s books. Notably among them are, Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, and poems. This is where Nana had his other guy named Abiku. He was the best teacher in their days.
Nana had the opportunity to travel to the USA when things became tough. He was accompanied by his wife and children. This helped Nana to taste sweet life after the tough battle. When life became soft, sicknesses set in and eventually won the race.
He was a factual man who called spade a spade. Nana Konne was a unifier, his demise was painful like a youth. The good works of Nana were being portrayed in his funeral celebration.
These are just a few accounts of the legendary, Clement Nana Konneh. We will forever remember you.