When will the Africans get it right that their own manufactured products are far better to emulate? Though, one can not be completely self-reliant, many things imported are just useless.
Starting from our own parliament, how many of them wear made-in-Ghana clothes? They mostly buy expensive suits and Italian shoes for the parliamentary sittings.
Is it not quite useless to import chairs and tables from China to use at the parliament, whilst there are factories to provide the proper tables and chairs here in Ghana without exportation and importation taxes?
The same house will come and preach domestication: grow in Ghana, and feed on it. In our case, God had provided the timber for free, yet our people in authority export it in the green stage at a cheaper price without adding any value to it. The same people will talk about cedi stabilisation, but from where?
No sensible person will compare this wood bed to metal or plastic ones imported!