The son of man came and did no evil, but he was crucified by his own people for no wrong. How much more is somebody born out of a woman? The record of IGP Damare when compared to his predecessors is far better yet his own colleagues and giants of the NPP party members plotted his crucifixion.
Williams Sheakphere said fair is foul and foul has been demonstrated by the NPP to unseat IGP Damapare for his fairness to be replaced by a highly corrupt IGP who will help the NPP to break the 8 by all foul means.
This clearly shows why Africa continent never developed. All the leaders and their ministers have two ambitions, to enrich themselves and maintain their party in power through all foul means, as has been demonstrated by the NPP.
The devil will plot to kill you, but I am with you, IGP Damapare. All those who plot to kill you, their own sword will turn against them.